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Creating Loyalty Acquisition Conversion Campaigns


SMS Blast-Messaging looses traction with customers, having less impact with actions, behaviour and purchases

SMS blast messaging, 1 way messages no dynamics, proved to be highly effective similar to email in the formative beginning, which pioneered the current brand and customer preferred communication methods.

Over time, the once effective SMS 1 way blast message method began losing ground to the advancing interactive messaging technologies. The below bar graph depicts this change.

SMS Blast Conversions into Actions

Take Away

Customers made less store visits & purchases due to:

  • Unrecognizable SMS Messages, No Branding
  • Customer Forgot most opened SMS Messages
  • No memorable coupons, images or videos
  • No follow up reminders or additional incentives
  • No Free Brand content or updates
  • Lack of relation building

SMS Multi-Interaction loyalty programs continue to influence customer action and purchasing behavior

SMS engagement and conversions are scaling annually through SMS dynamics, push notifications, apps, virtual assistants and msg apps.

SMS Multi-Interaction Campaigns excel at increasing subscriber conversions, purchase volumes and store frequency visits over all current channels of engagement, 2017.

SMS Interactive Offering Trends

Take Away

Customer store visit frequency increased, including purchases and purchase volume:

  • Immediate SMS Brand recognition
  • Rich relevant content of images, videos or EZ-Payments
  • Courteous spaced reminders with added incentive actions
  • Intervals of polite Brand content, news or updates
  • Strong emphasis on customer retention and relation building


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The Brand Progress Report


“64% of brands reported an increase in loyalty program membership over the last year—and the majority cited the addition of mobile components as the biggest contributor to this increase.”

Brands see increase in loyalty membership thanks to the addition of mobile functionality

Brands who saw increase in loyalty program, by subscribers totals.


Brands wanting to help consumers get great deals and increase purchase volume

Brands who reported using mobile to deliver coupons / offers to their loyal members:

Brands are listening to consumers, using SMS to communicate with consumers around loyalty

Brands that engage SMS as a percentage of loyalty engagement:

Brands without mobile dynamic programs and struggle to make the investment

Brands that lack IT resources, don’t know where to start and are unsure if customers will use mobile:


Where Brands are – at this Time Point


Brands are making significant strides.

Adoption of mobile technology continues to grow at scale.

Brands need to continue to have a clearly defined roadmap to keep up with customer demand.


Bring your thoughts, ideas and plans to Jakursmu. We will assist and coach in designing multiple custom engagement campaigns specific to your brand.


Let’s Talk Campaign Development

Jakursmu LLC

3939 Windemer Dr.

Florissant, MO 63033


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